The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) has announced a Call for Proposals for International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) to support in Development Cooperation.
The goal of Finland’s development policy is to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and achieve sustainable development. Finland takes a long-term perspective on development cooperation, focusing on the following four priorities:
Strengthening the status and rights of women and girls, with an emphasis on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Sustainable economies and decent work, with an emphasis on innovations and the role of women in the economy and female entrepreneurship.
Education, peaceful and democratic societies, with an emphasis on equitable quality education, improved tax systems and support for democracy and the rule of law.
Climate change and natural resources, with an emphasis on strengthening adaptation alongside mitigation of climate change, food security and water, meteorology and disaster risk reduction, forests, energy and safeguarding biodiversity.
Focus Areas
Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights globally, regionally and locally, especially among women and girls in vulnerable positions (e.g. persons with disabilities, persons belonging to minorities) and situations (humanitarian and fragile contexts).
Promotion of tax justice, transparency and sustainable social contracts in the Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ending impunity for human rights violations, increasing accountability and strengthening victims’ access to justice.
Supporting human rights defenders and fostering an enabling environment for promoting the work of human rights defenders.
Strengthening the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights in order to address discriminatory practices related to their realization.
Business and Human Rights.
Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to reduce maternal mortality in Afghanistan.
Grants to INGOs may be either core funding or funding for projects channeled to activities in developing countries.
Core funding can be granted only to INGOs that meet the eligibility criteria for ODA, set by OECD/DAC.
In case an organization does not satisfy the ODA eligibility criteria, funding for projects that are ODA eligible may be applied.
In order to be eligible for support the INGO and its proposal have to meet the following Minimum Requirements.
The INGO has to have:
The project/programme proposal must:
Application Deadline: 26th March 2021.
Donor Name: Finland - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
include an indication of the thematic area under which funding is applied for
adhere to results-based management or an equivalent system
be at least human rights-sensitive as defined in the guidance note of human rights-based approach in Finland's development cooperation.
apply the Foreign Ministry's cross-cutting objectives in development policy. These are gender equality, non-discrimination (with particular attention to the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities), climate resilience and low emission development.
be aligned with the goals and priorities of Finnish development policy
contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
funding from at least one other source
been registered and/or legally competent for at least two years
operations in more than two countries
at least three different nationalities represented in its governing structures
Visit to apply.