This is a flagship program for young civil society leaders to build sustainable, effective tools for accountability, participation and social impact in their societies.
Selected ‘accountapreneurs’ undergo an accelerated one-year program with hands-on, comprehensive support for their ideas and initiatives.
The Incubator provides mentorship, fundraising and management support, and access to a global network of leading institutions, foundations and donors.
The overall objective of the Incubator is to support individuals to strengthen accountability and support better governance in their countries at a local and/or national level.
To be eligible for the Accountability Incubator, applicants must:
Be the founder/CEO or primary decision-maker for the venture’s development and management;
Have an original idea;
Be in startup idea, MVP, or pilot phase;
Be at least 21-years-old by the start of the program;
Be a for-profit, hybrid, non-profit, or undecided venture, as long as the core mission is to create measurable social change;
Demonstrate the Lab’s values;
Reside in Nepal, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mali or Liberia and be willing to travel to the national capital of the relevant country for trainings and events.
The idea proposed by the candidate should be:
Context-Specific: Does the idea demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the community it will support?
Feasible: How likely is it that the idea proposed will be achieved over time?
Creative: Is the idea for accountability truly innovative?
Sustainable: Does the candidate have a plan for how the project can continue over time? Is the idea designed to have a long-term impact?
Scalable: Will the idea create a model for accountability that could be expanded to other communities?
Application Deadline: 20th October, 2021.
to apply.